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作家相片Jasmine Lam

Calling attention to the professional status of registered art therapists/psychotherapists in HK


Art Therapy is an established mental health profession. Qualified art therapists have to undergo a proper postgraduate level of training with qualified clinical supervision both at placement organization and university, as well as personal therapy before they are eligible to practise in order to ensure clients' physical and psychological safety.

A report produced by Our Hong Kong Foundation calls attention to the inclusive power of arts in Hong Kong. Substantial coverage was made on the efficacy of art therapy. Suggestion was also made to recognize the professional status of registered art therapists in Hong Kong.

Please click here for the full report:

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有沒有發覺,為什麼自己總是對某一類人感到沒由來的反感?可能是說話吱吱喳喳的,可能是異常安靜的,也可能是勇於表達自己想法的…… 奇怪的是,當認識久了,你漸漸看到這個人的優點,你才發現,原來他/她沒有初相識時討厭,原來對方也有值得欣賞的地方,原來當初的第一印象是多麼的不可靠。...

負能量Bye bye!

面對日常生活,我們有時會無意識將負面情緒壓抑;雖然表面看似正常沒事,但沒有表達和處理的感受,其實會躲藏在我們的身體記憶中,以不同的形式展現他們的存在,偷偷影響我們的生活和感覺。 撕紙是一個不傷害自己和他人的簡單方法,能夠幫助我們將壓抑在內的感覺安全釋放。如果大人發覺小朋友有...


信大家都試過煲劇或講電話時會無意識地在紙上亂畫,原來亂畫也有好處,你知道嗎? 有研究發現,當我們一邊講電話一邊亂畫,腦內能夠記憶的東西,原來比一邊講電話一邊用筆記下的內容會更多。 對於有過度活躍症徵狀的小朋友,亂畫的過程更能夠幫助他們刺激大腦,訓練集中注意力;至於用手拿起筆...


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